How to Calm Yourself:  Learn How to 
Be the Boss of Your Brain and Emotions
Dr. Ada teaches you how to be in charge of your brain and emotions. Only then can you be an effective and inspiring leader of others, especially in times of crisis. Only then can you enjoy your relationship with those you love best.
Learn How to Calm Yourself 
As a leader you control many things. Yet, you can't control what life throws at you or the actions and words of other people. By following the suggestions in this booklet/recording and audio guided meditations you will learn how to control your emotions and reactions in any circumstance. And you will be able to do this in 10 minutes or less! Of course, to be able to do this, you will need to practice what is shared here on a regular basis.
Usually $79 now $27
When you are in constant stress or experience a crisis of any kind, you can become overwhelmed. Your brain gets overloaded with stress chemicals, which inhibits your capacity to think clearly, make wise decisions and to cope. You get flooded with all kinds of negative feelings and feel as if you were drowning. Shock, grief, anger and despair seem to take over and you can’t experience strength or make rational decisions.

Dr. Ada teaches how to create dramatic and lasting stress reduction for executives and their organizations as well as for couples and parents. With this neuroscience-based process  you will be able to:
* Effectively neutralizes specific stress reactions in your body and brain in about 10 minutes. 
* Immediate increase in mental and emotional clarity,.
* Physical relaxation, and openness to possibilities. 
* Dissolve negative reactions

As you and your team regularly practice, you will see  
* improved team communication and relationships,  
* greater job satisfaction,  
* less turnover and 
* an improved love life. 

What a deal!

Get immediate access to the easy guide to reduce stress and resetting your emotional brain  by clicking the button below.
Here's what leaders and couples that are practicing
these stress reducing techniques have to say:

"I used to have panic attacks often, and was very stressed out with my regular work plus a small creative business I was building. As a result, my relationship with my partner was suffering. Our problems often escalated into conflict and anger. When I started practicing these technics consistently,  my stress level went down, my health improved, and ,y relationship became easier. Now I can enjoy both my job,  my creative business, and my partner. What a difference!

- Hanna - Delaware

" Dr. Ada  helped me get my life back. I learned how to become more efficient at work, and to delegate more in order to reclaim my personal time, and not feel I had to be constantly on the go.  I now feel healthier, my emotions are under control, I have less stress, and my relationships have improved immensely.  I took these stress reduction strategies and share them with my team too. As a result, our team's productivity has increased at least 35%. We don't lose time with unnecessary conflicts anymore, and by feeling calmer we have gain more clarity and are better able to deal with challenges." 

- Richard - Georgia

“Before I started working with Dr. Ada the stress of my job was giving me daily headaches. I felt high pressure and quickly got upset or angry. My relationship with my team were strained and mostly negative. My wife and my children were afraid of my frequent explosions. By practicing what Dr. Ada taught me, I was able to learn how to reduce my stress level. With her support I successfully learned how to control my emotions and reactions, and my headaches went away. My team respects me more and we are working better together. But more importantly, my wife and children now look forward to me coming home and our times together." 

- Carl - Iceland
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